• Inesa Antonivna Hulias
Keywords: axiopsychological design, life path, personality, factor analysis, factor structure


The purpose of the article is to summarize and interpret the results of factor analysis of axiopsychological design of life achievements of a person of middle adulthood.

Methods. The theoretical methods are used in the work: analysis of monographic literature, systematization of scientific sources, comparison and generalization of data, abstraction; empirical: testing – verbal and projective, questioning in the format of a statement experiment; mathematical (factor analysis); the “cross-section” method was the organizational one.

The psychological instrumentation of the study was a set of methods: “Causometry” E. Golovakhi, O. Chronicle; “Мethods of research of the target orientation of the personality” Y. Vasilyev; R. Emmons’s “Package for Assessing Personal Desires”; “Diagnosis of the real structure of value orientations of personality” S. Bubnov; “Multidimensional Scale of Perfectionism” (P. Hewitt and G. Flett); “Diagnosis of achievement motivation” by A. Mehrabian; Self-efficacy Questionnaire by I. Brunova-Kalisetskaya; “Style of self-regulation of behavior” V. Morosanova, E. Konoz; “Coping Behavior in Stressful Situations” S. Norman, D. Endler, D. James, M. Parker (adapted version by T. Hook); “Investigation of masculinity-femininity of personality” S. Bem; Oxford Happiness Questionnaire by M. Argyle.

According to the results of factor analysis, determinative signs of axiopsychological designing of life achievements of a person of middle adulthood are presented, represented by the following integral psychological characteristics: future orientation, self-regulatory basis, male gender traits, achievement, escape from the situation, status, psycho, strategy feelings of love. It is revealed that the factor structure of value design of the middle-aged respondents is dominated by the first two, which can be considered as leading.

Conclusions. Life projects of the researched in the society are connected with finding their purpose, social role, status in the reference community, realization of feelings of love. Therefore, we consider axiopsychological design a personal entity that determines the effectiveness of self-development as a factor in achieving acme and self-fulfillment and is the basis for value creation.


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