The article reveals the features of the mental representations and the emotional-figurative world of Iranian youth under the influence of folklore, which is the part of the centuries-old national culture of this country. It is emphasized that the main directions of this impact take place through the family, everyday life, education system and lifestyle. There are rich folklore genres reflecting centuries-old traditions and rituals, and the way of life of every nation inhabiting this ancient land. The issues of interaction of cultures are given detailed consideration, which is reflected in the forms and possibilities of using folklore as a means of forming personal qualities necessary for modern youth. The author thinks that such factors as the Islamic religion and its role in the state, modern means of mass communication, information and communication technologies, bilingualism, etc. provide impact on the process. It is important to pay more attention to the support of folklore groups, the development of language, especially its literary forms to maintain the core values in the minds of people associated with ethnic mentality. In addition, it is necessary to consider the socio-psychological processes of people’s adaptation in the process of migration from the village to the town, to avoid losing a number of vital signs, including those connected with folklore.
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