Prospects and opportunities of using modern online social networks can have both advantages and disadvantages for the psychological reality of the individual. The organization features of the online and offline people interaction in society cause a variety of phenomena that may accompany, or be as the result of interaction with social networking services.
Purpose. Reveal the psychological essence of the suicidal activity phenomenon through the study of the influence of online social networking services usage on suicidal risk.
Methods. Experimental model was applied for this research. Experimental impact involved the complete cessation of the online social networks usage (such as Facebook, Telegram and Instagram) for a period of 2 weeks. The main method of the suicidal rate determination was the Suicidal Risk Questionnaire (SRQ) by O.G. Shmelev.
Results. An expanded list of social networking services functions was formed. It included such functions as direct “primary” functions; working; informational; entertainment and leisure; self-expression; services integration; indirect use; use for criminal purposes; other functions. The analysis of the suicidal risk variable showed a lack of statistically significant influence, which can be explained by the fact that the subject is more complex and requires a sufficiently thorough qualitative interpretation taking into account other factors. In particular, there have not been any significant changes in the experiment participants’ overall well-being and life.
Conclusions. The social networks services usage can actualize the individual psychological content of emotional experience and functioning of the person associated with a suicidogenic conflict. Suicidal materials and “neutral” content influence on the person appears as a situational factor of suicidal risk. The temporary cessation of the social networks usage can both increase and reduce suicidal activity. It is necessary to study specific cases of the social networks influence on suicidal activity of persons who have more or less pronounced level of suicidal activity in order to mark out specific predictors and prognostic factors for assistance and suicides prevention by qualified professionals and the Internet community.
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