• Nataliia Dmytrivna Volodarska G.S. Kostiyk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: art-therapeutic tools, internal resources, coping strategies, setting, students, future social workers


Purpose of the article consists in selection and adaptation of art-therapeutic methods for activating students’internal resources restoration as a health-preserving factor in wartime conditions. Methods. The method fordetermining coping strategies of an individual (S. Lazarus), art-therapeutic methods using art (discussionof personal stories), drawings “Bridge”, method “Rope”, “Self-presentation”, story-role game with elementsof psychodrama that are reproduced in the form of true-to-life improvised situations that excite students.Results. It was determined that introduction of art-therapeutic methods into the educational process of trainingfuture social workers in wartime conditions has certain complications: updating one’s own needs, changing established strategies of psychological protection (coping strategies as internal resources). While usingart-therapeutic tools, students’ emotional states are stabilized, as well as ability to manage internal resources(as tools for organizing emotional states in tense and complicated situations of war) occur, as well as personaladjustment for emotional competence development. The most significant indicators of students’ coping strategieswere obtained in the following categories: problem solution planning; seeking social support and positiveevaluation. Such coping strategies are typical for medium and low levels of internal resourcefulness in modernconditions of training during wartime (threat of bombing, interruption of training due to loss of communication,electricity, etc.). Conclusions. It was found that using symbols, which means that a person may not be awareof, art-therapeutic tools help to transfer internal conflict into a conscious one. Playing problems in such a formas an individual himself wants and fantasizes, makes it possible to find its alternative solution. It is importantfor future social workers to be able to use art-therapeutic means for one’s own needs revealing and actualizingpersonal experiences for professional training while working with wards in wartime conditions.


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