Keywords: political activity, motivation for political participation, competitiveness, forms of political participation


Purpose – analysis of the socio-political activity of young people and establishing the relationshipbetween motivation for success and political activity. Methods. Theoretical: analysis, synthesis, comparison,generalization, interpretation and systematization – to clarify the state of development of the problemand determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the research. Empirical: questionnaires – todetermine the level of political activity of young people; psycho diagnostic methods: O. Rean’s questionnaire“Motivation for success and fear of failure” that allows to identify the level and pole of a person’s motivationfor activity. Results. According to the results of the analysis of scientific sources, it was indicated that the stateof society depends on the conscious, active behavior of citizens, on their political identification and motivation:stability or change, development or stagnation. According to the results of the empirical part of the study,it was established that the level of political activity of young people is average. Also, respondents havean average level of motivation for success. The relationship between indicators of the level of political activityand motivation for success was revealed. Conclusions. The conducted quantitative and qualitative analysisof the level of political activity of young people made it possible to find out the following: in general, youngpeople show political activity at an average level; respondents consider it important to be informed aboutthe political life of the country, understand the influence of the political factor on their lives, but at the same time, half of the respondents do not take an active part in political processes; young people want furtherdemocratization of society, consider it very important to have feedback between politicians and the electorate;respondents consider the motivation of modern politicians to be quite selfish, aimed at satisfying their ownmaterial needs. Maybe it is precisely such ideas about politicians that turn young people away from activeparticipation in political processes; the established relationship between motivation for success and the levelof political activity provides opportunities to outline ways to increase the political activity of young people,since a successful country begins with successful individuals.


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