Purpose carry out an overview of the socio-psychological features of the formation of the state of psychological well-being in internally displaced persons, and determine the forms of psychological support regarding the problem of their adaptation and integration into a new environment. Methods: theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign research approaches to the problem of forming the state of psychological well-being, adaptation and integration of a forcibly displaced person. Results. Psychological well-being of a person makes it possible to consciously imagine the state of one’s physical and psychological capabilities, as well as the ability to satisfy one’s needs for normal functioning in the environment. Two theoretical and methodological approaches to the adaptation and integration of internally displaced persons into their new environment are distinguished. The main areas of psychological support for internally displaced persons are highlighted, aimed at processing traumatic experiences, acquiring useful skills that contribute to adaptation to new living conditions. Based on the results of the research, it is planned to select a psychodiagnostic toolkit for determining the level of severity of indicators of the psychological well-being of internally displaced persons. Conclusions. The theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of psychological well-being in foreign and domestic literature showed that: 1) psychological well-being can be achieved by a person who is satisfied with life, without negative experiences, knows how to realize his potential, use his own resources to achieve goals; 2) the process of adaptation and integration of internally displaced persons into a new community, as well as overcoming adverse life situations, depends on the level of psychological well-being; 3) the assessment of the psychological well-being of the displaced population, according to research conducted using the Kantar Panel Ukraine online platform, is low, and has manifestations of at least one of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. All these conditions are a guideline for the implementation of measures for the organization of psychological assistance to restore the psychological well-being and adaptation of internally displaced persons.
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