Keywords: socio-psychological support, remote psychological support, online interventions, COVID-19, social policy, socio-demographic indicators, social identification


Purpose. The article is dedicated to an empirical study of the socio-demographic specifics of obtainingelectronic socio-psychological support by Ukrainian citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. There were used an online survey on socio-demographic indicators and the author's block “Electronicpsychological support” of the “Social and psychological support during the pandemic COVID-19 in Ukraine” survey(Laboratory of Social Psychology of Personality, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine),which included 12 questions to determine the features of obtaining psychological support online, the ability toreceive psychosocial support due to the electronic means, as well as social identification of respondents with theircommunity of electronic support. Data processing was performed using nonparametric Mann-Whitney analysisof variance and one-way Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance, the statistical program SPSS 26.0.Results. The survey lasted from October 2020 to May 2021, the sample was 100 people (84% – women),the average age – 30 years, mostly citizens with higher education. Socio-demographic indicators that regulatestatistically significant differences between respondents in terms of obtaining electronic socio-psychologicalsupport were age, gender, education, satisfaction with financial security, residence status. Female respondents,with secondary education and satisfied with their financial support, are more likely than others to receivethe ideas they really need through e-support tools. The frequency of finding solutions to their problems throughe-support is mediated by female gender, secondary education, and young age (19–24 years). The joy of visitinga community where e-support is provided is related to younger age and living alone. Women and those who aremore satisfied with the state of their financial affairs are more willing to listen to the problems of other usersin the e-support community. In general, young people aged 19–24 are more likely than others to use electronicpsychological support.Conclusions. The identified socio-demographic indicators should be taken into account when developinginterventions for citizens’ socio-psychological support. It is recommended to provide appropriate support ona paid basis, take into account the need for a simple and intuitive interface and gamified forms of support,provide clear algorithms for psychological self-help in the face of pandemic challenges, and provide onlinesocialization in the form of interesting group activities. Further research should be aimed at identifyingthe specifics of obtaining socio-psychological support by men and the elderly.


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