Keywords: time perspective, self-determination, personal qualities, natural reality, virtual reality, way of life


Task. Empirical establishment of the influence of the urbanization factor on personal characteristics and perspective self-determination in upper-form pupils prone to Internet addictive behavior in the modern information society. Methods. The empirical study involved 70 pupils of 10-11 forms of secondary general education schools, including 37 pupils from rural areas and 33 pupils from urban areas. The theoretical basis of the study were the provisions of the relative concept of J. Newton. The following methods were used: K. Young method; A. Zhychkina Internet addiction scale; F. Zimbardo method (ZPTI). Spearman correlation analysis and Mann-Whitney U test. Results. It is statistically proven that the severity of Internet addictive behavior in urban upper-form pupils, compared with rural ones, is significantly higher (U=84,5; p<0,001 and U=275,0; p<0,001). For the whole group, a close connection was established between the expressiveness of Internet addictive behavior and the following components of the time perspective: negative past (under K. Young: r=-0,373; p=0,001); positive past (under A. Zhychkina: r=-0,240; p=0,045); future (under A. Zhychkina: r=-0,346; p=0,003); hedonistic present (under K. Young: r=0,317; p=0,008). It was determined that urban upper-form pupils, compared to rural ones, are more focused on the hedonistic present (U=399,5; p=0,013) and less on the negative past (U=222,50; p<0,001) and future (U=441,50; p=0,046). It was found that urban pupils, compared with rural, have a more pronounced neuroticism (U=353,0; p=0,002), depression (U=330,0; p=0,001), reactive aggression (U=309,0; p<0,001), emotional lability (U=315,0; p<0.001). For the whole group, a direct relationship between the severity of Internet addictive behavior and spontaneous aggression was determined (under K. Young: r=0,363; p=0,003). Conclusions. In urban upper-form pupils, compared to rural ones, Internet addictive behavior is more pronounced. It is claimed that the limitation of the development of Internet addiction for rural pupils is significant physical activity, close connection with the natural environment, employment in vital economic activities. Urban upper-form pupils are primarily focused on intrapersonal processes; rural pupils are more inclined to interact with the environment, which reduces the risk of Internet addictive defeat. The selfdetermination of rural upper-form pupils is more based on the experience of the past and focused on the future, and this contradicts the formation of Internet addictive behavior. Urban upper-form pupils are more attuned to the hedonistic present that is inherent in Internet addiction.


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