Keywords: orthorexia, eating styles, guilt, locus of control, morality


Purpose. The research concerns the problem of choosing an individual eating style and identifying possiblepsychological factors of choosing an eating style by a person. Methods. To achieve this purpose theoretical methods were used: analysis of psychological literatureand generalization of psychological dates; empirical methods: Kugler-Jones guilt questionnaire, J. Rotter’s“Locus of Control” method, methods of mathematical and statistical processing and visualization of empiricaldata: one-way analysis of variance.Results. The results of an empirical study of psychological characteristics, in particular the features of guiltand personal responsibility in people with different eating styles. The sample was 80 people. Respondents werepeople aged 20 to 45 with different eating styles: traditional, healthy, alternative and interval. The traditional dietmeant the consumption of food, characteristic of the culture of the subjects, healthy eating – strict restrictions onfood consumption (calories, the ratio of macro- and micro-elements in the diet, restriction of harmful productsand sugar), alternative (complete rejection of certain products or Interval or intermittent – alternation betweenmeals, fasting for a day or several days. The greatest experience of guilt as a condition is inherent in peoplewith a choice of alternative, healthy and interval eating styles. That is, people who choose a style of eatingwith certain restrictions have a fairly high, compared to the traditional style of eating emotional reaction toa particular behavior that may be contrary to their personal moral principles. The highest prevalence of guiltas a trait in people who follow a healthy and alternative diet. Such people have an emotional attitude, which isassociated with responsibility for violating personal moral principles. Such specificity of guilt presupposes thatsuch individuals are more likely to adhere to such severe restrictions on food consumption.Conclusions. It was researched the problem of choosing an individual eating style and identifying possiblepsychological factors of choosing an eating style by a person.Representatives of the traditional style of eating are attracted to the external locus of control, in contrastto the representatives of a healthy, alternative diet, which is characterized by an internal locus of control. Atthe same time, people with interval nutrition showed the same manifestation of both internal and external locusof personality control.


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