Keywords: combatant, psychological trauma, psychological rehabilitation, PTSD


The purpose of the article is to analyze the diagnostic indicators of psychological trauma of combatants, participants in hostilities, at the final stage of the program of psychological support of combatants and their families.

Methods. Using clinical and psychological techniques and scales were investigated characteristics and levels of PTSD, anxiety, stress, depression and intensity of combat experience combatants (“Mississippian scale for assessing post-traumatic reactions”, scale for self-assessment of PTSD, scale “PSM-25”, test “Lifestyle analysis”, method “Scale of reactive and personal anxiety Ch.D. Spielberg – YL Khanin”, Beck’s anxiety scale, AT Beck’s depression questionnaire, Tsung's depression scale, scale of estimation of intensity of combat experience). Given the purpose, objectives and stages of the program of psychological support, its implementation was carried out during 2018–2019, on the basis of the military unit, recreational institution, social and volunteer centers, educational institutions and more. The psychological support program included individual and group counseling, training sessions, discussions, mini-lectures, work with families, etc.

Results. A program of psychological support for combatants and their families was developed and tested, which was based on a genetic-psychological-axiological approach. An analysis of the results of the third “Final” stage of the program of psychological support of combatants. The empirical study identified the features of the long-term effects of stressors in combatants of the control and experimental groups. Stated that during the third stage of the program, there were significant changes in terms of the experimental group (about 30%) and not observed significant changes in the diagnostic performance of the control group. The prospect of continued research is seen in the continuation of the program of psychological support, which will further psychological rehabilitation of combatants remote consequences stressful influences and their families.

Conclusions. Conducted research work to study the characteristics of rehabilitation of combatants with remote effects of stressful influences. The program of psychological support of combatants and their families is developed and tested, on the basis of genetic-psychological-axiological approach.


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