Keywords: subjective perception of happiness, motivational orientation of the personality, emotional profile of the personality, mental disorders, correlations, level of needs, life satisfaction


Purpose. Study of the motivational structure of the personality and its relationship with the subjective perception of happiness in patients with mental disorders to determine the mechanisms of their formation.

Methods. The complex of research methods included the author’s version of the method of the semantic differential of happiness, designed to diagnose the subjective perception of happiness, the method of the motivational structure of the personality and methods of statistical processing of the obtained data.

Results. The article presents the results of the survey 210 patients (70 – with organic mental disorders, 70 – depressive disorders, 70 – neurotic disorders) and 105 healthy (persons without mental disorders) were examined.

It was found that patients with PD are characterized by a reduced level of motivation both in aspirations and in real implementation. These tendencies in patients with mental disorders are common in both general life and work situations. Among the structural features of the motivational profile of patients with mental disorders, the predominance of consumption motivation is determined with a less expressive development motivation.

The components of the subjective perception of happiness by direct correlations were associated with social activity, motivation for development, comfort, consumption. Inverse correlations connected the categories of subjective perception of happiness and the focus on experiences of the wall type, communication, general and creative activity, motivation for development.

Conclusions. The data obtained indicate that the subjective perception of happiness in patients with mental disorders is conditioned by certain features of the emotional-motivational sphere. The psychotherapeutic effects of certain features allow to correct the nature of the subjective perception of happiness.


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