Keywords: psychooncology, cognitive model of cancer desease, coping strategies, clinical level of FCR, methods of psychosocial correction


The article reflects the results of a review of theoretical models presented in foreign scientific journals, thatare describing the cognitive and emotional components of the causes of fear of cancer recurrence – seriousproblem in psycho oncology, which cancer survivals are faced to and that significantly impair their qualityof life. Also we investigate goals of psychological influence to reduce the clinical level and/or overcomethe fear of cancer recurrence in cancer survivals and available proven practical methods of correction of theirpsychological state. Purpose: to carry out a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of existing theoreticaland empirical models of overcoming the high level of fear of recurrence in cancer survivals. Methods:review of existing publications on the selected topic; classification of available theoretical models forexplaining the fear of cancer recurrence; analysis and description of the cognitive and emotional constructsof the course of this psychological phenomenon; generalizations about the effectiveness of practical methodsof psychosocial impact on cancer survivals in order to reduce the clinical level of their fear of cancer recurrence. Results: There were identified six theoretical models of the origin and course of the fear of cancer recurrence incancer patients and five research of the introduction of practical methods for correcting the clinical level of thisfear. All existing theories and practical methods that have been proposed in foreign research so far originatefrom the cognitive-behavioral paradigm, but each year they become more personalized and include a socialcomponent of supporting too. Some of them are very interesting to practical psychooncologysts. Conclusions.The prospect of further research is to create a native method of reducing the fear of cancer recurrence incancer survivals taking into account the identified models and effective methods of influence; and conductinga practical research of the effectiveness of this method in Ukrainian cancer survivals, as the fear of cancerrecurrence significantly affects their subsequent quality of life.


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