Keywords: emotional deprivation, reversibility, compensation, correction the model of psychological support, junior school aged children, adoptive family


The article is devoted to the observation of the overcoming methods of the effects of junior school aged children emotional deprivation.

Purpose: to carry the theoretical analysis of the reversibility problem, correction and compensation of the emotional deprivation effects out in the concept of modern investigations and to suggest the own model of overcoming it in junior school aged children.

Methods. The learning and the analysis of the emotional deprivation and its effects in children-orphans and in lained parental care children literature; the generalization and systematization of researches devoted to the children emotional deprivation correction; modeling for the construction of the program of overcoming the emotional deprivation effects in junior school aged children in the adoptive family conditions.

Results. Due to the theoretical research data it is stated the presence of negative affect of emotional deprivation on children. It is established that the result of emotional deprivation is the complex of defections in physical, psychico, behavioring and social spheres.

It is discovered that emotional deprivation effects appear in changing of limbic and endocrine systems, emotional, adaptive, behaviouring and cognitive disorders, psychosomatic diseases and even in deep psycho disorders.

It is noticed that the emphasis difficulty of emotional deprivation results is due to the fact that different types of deprivation at once affect on children in the conditions of institutional establishments.

It is noted that due to the same deprivation conditions we can observe absolutely different effects in children and the deepness of deprivation damages depends on the duration of child’s being in emotional deprivation situation.

It is generalized that with the reversibility aim correction and compensation of emotional deprivation effects may be used readaptation, studying, resocialization, psychological correction, reabilitation, psychotherapy, psychological support. It is made and it is probed in the model of psychological support to the adoptive family with the aim of overcoming emotional deprivation effects in junior school aged children.

Conclusions. The psychological support of adoptive families which is realized in the shape of specially organized events (diagnostics, education, correction, development, consulting) is one of the effective instruments of emotional deprivation effects correction in children.


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