Keywords: training, law enforcement officer, efficiency, training, psychological readiness


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the issue of improving the effectiveness of professionaland psychological training, providing suggestions for its improvement.

Methods. The research methodology consisted of a set of such methods as analytical, synthesis method,generalization and analogy, modeling, comparative and classification method.

Results. Acquired in the process of preparation of knowledge, quality of skills and abilities should meet the needsof professional law enforcement and correlate with the requirements for the identity of law enforcement officers,which are defined in the professional characteristics of the profiles of the law enforcement officer. At this stage, it isadvisable to form a unified system of professional and psychological training, in the context of which certain formsof psychological training could include a test stage, which would determine the level of theoretical knowledgeof the employee, as well as the level of readiness of law enforcement officers. profile. During the preparationand direct application of knowledge and skills aimed at performing tasks of increased complexity, the mindof a law enforcement officer should be dominated by the image of a brave, determined, smart and successful lawenforcement officer who is able, able and must, using their own physical, psychological and intellectual abilities,perform tasks and responsibilities and succeed. It is also advisable to use the following training techniques: touse models or individual elements of extreme situations, to provide recommendations according to the directionof work in which the employee works, to consolidate the relevant knowledge with special exercises.

Conclusions. Psychological training, as an appropriate and necessary stage of becoming a law enforcementofficer should include a full range of educational and training activities aimed at improving professionaland psychological skills, psychological stability, high moral and psychological level, ensuring compliance withdepartmental regulations, as well as the formation of internal readiness conscientiously fulfill the requirementsof official activity set before the employee.


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