Keywords: psychological competence, professional standard, psychological training of teachers, competence, indicator, competence approach


The article is devoted to the consideration of psychological training of future mathematics teachers, namely, indicators of psychological competence.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of “psychological competence” of future mathematics teachers and substantiate its main indicators.

Methods. In order to solve the tasks, we used the following theoretical research methods: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources on the research issue; generalization of data on the definition of “psychological competence”; systematization of data on the main indicators of psychological competence of future mathematics teachers.

Results. Theoretical analysis of modern approaches to the definition of “psychological competence” is presented, the components of psychological competence of teachers of general secondary education on the basis of professional standard are analyzed. The content of the main indicators of psychological competence of future mathematics teachers is singled out and revealed.

Conclusions. In the course of the research, on the basis of a professional standard, the components of the psychological competence of a teacher were identified and the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities were analyzed. The analysis allowed to identify the main indicators of psychological competence of the future teacher of mathematics, namely: procedural-situational, which includes among others the ability to self-regulate emotional states when interacting with students, colleagues and parents; indicator of planning and implementation of holistic interaction, which is characterized in particular by the ability to assess the psychological age and gender characteristics of students, including when working with children in an inclusive group; indicator of psychological and didactic competence(ability to use psychological techniques, technologies and practices to enhance the cognitive activity of students; ability to form theoretical and creative thinking of students in mathematics lessons, etc.).


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