Keywords: medical information, education, phycological disease, anxiety, attention, memory, depression, the Internet resources, the Internet addiction, students


This article examines the Internet resources as the factors of students’ addictions. A wide implication of informatively-communication technologies in reality at present in various areas of different countries and age categories was given the specific attention.

It is indicated that scientific association is interested in studying this topic. The research in the groups of medical workers and students is considered important due to their frequent uses of the Internet resources to satisfy professional requirements in actual information, which is updating all the time. The author pays attention to social networks impact and to both physical and phycological users’ health. In particular, it is stated that the sources of information can lead to anxiety increase, attention decrease, memory disorders and depression.

Objective: to analyze popular online resources among medical students and their influence on the Internet addiction formation.

Methods: in order to solve the task the complex of theoretical methods of research was used: studying and analyzing literature on phycology regarding the topic of the article, generalization and systematization of materials, which gave an opportunity to describe the basic aspects that are used in the Internet research on addiction.

Results: the popular Internet resources and their uses as factors of the Internet addiction were analyzed. It is indicated that a single use of the Internet aiming at medical field can not result in the Internet addiction itself providing it is properly organized in use. It was discovered that the Internet addiction has a negative impact on students’ performance and their professionalism as future doctors.

Conclusions: in order to reduce the impact of the Internet on its users including medical students, the complex work of students, tutors and supervisors is necessary. The main task is to reduce time spent online with educational purpose, which enable to preserve future doctors’ health and prevent from reduction of medical care quality.


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