Keywords: role competence, psychological mechanisms, emotional-volitional self-regulation, empathy, reflection, student


The aim of the study is to determine the psychological mechanisms of the connection between emotional and volitional self-regulation and role competence of students.

Methods. Analysis of average data and correlation (by Spearman’s rank correlation method) between scales of 5 methods of research: 1) study of features and levels of development of role competence of students was carried out with use of “Questionnaire of role competence” by P. Gornostay; 2) to clarify the features of emotional-volitional regulation of role behavior, the level of emotional intelligence and its parameters such as: awareness of emotions, the ability to recognize emotions, self-motivation, empathy and emotion control were used: “Methods of diagnosing emotional intelligence” N. Hall, adapted by E. Ilyin and testquestionnaire “Study of volitional self-regulation” (A. Zverkov and E. Eidman); 3) “Methods of diagnosing the level of reflexivity” by A. Karpov was used by us to determine the level of development of the mechanism of reflection.

Results. The study found that students in higher education have developed role competence at the secondary level. They have a low level of development of the integrative indicator of emotional intelligence; low level of development of ability to control one’s emotions and self-motivation, average level of development of emotional awareness and empathy, ability to recognize emotions of other people. The average general level of volitional regulation and such volitional qualities as persistence and self-control were revealed; medium and high levels of development of reflection.

It is determined that the higher the level of emotional and volitional self-regulation, the higher the level of role competence. It is established that the positive factors in the formation of role competence of students of psychological and pedagogical specialties are: emotional intelligence (emotional awareness, self-motivation, emotional identification, empathy) and reflection.

Conclusions. The results of the research determine the goals and objectives aimed at developing emotional and volitional components of the structure of role competence of students, which will consist in the formation of emotional and volitional characteristics connect with role competence (ability to emotional and volitional regulation, empathy, reflectivity, volitional qualities).


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