Keywords: hyperactivity, attention deficit, impulsivity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavior, preschool children, primary school children, psychological support, ADHD psychocorrection algorithms


The study involved 67 aged 6 to 8 years (mean age 6.7 years) with a diagnosis of ADHD, diagnosed by a psychoneurologist. Among the respondents there were 64 boys and 3 girls. All children attended general secondary education or studied at home.

Purpose. Рreliminary theoretical analysis of the basic methods of correction and the formulation of the basic principles of the implementation of individual programs of psychological correction for children from ADHD of preschool and young school age; Experimental development of the level of effectiveness and individual programs of psychological correction in work with ADHD in children of senior preschool and young school age.

Methods. Тheoretical analysis of the peculiarities of the implementation of individual correction programs in work with children of preschool and young school age, which have symptomatic of ADHD; diagnostic questionnaire of Vanderbilt; methods of neuropsychological diagnostics; methods of mathematical statistics for related samples.

Results. The results of the preliminary survey allowed dividing the children into 4 subgroups. For each subgroup, a set of strategies and corrective exercises was selected, based on the previously selected correction algorithm and general principles of correctional work. During the development of the correction program, emphasis was placed on the individual format of the specialist's work. This is due, on the one hand, to the difficulties of working in groups, which are not always available for children with ADHD and their social environment, and on the other to the difficulties of organizing such work during the COVID-19 pandemic, or possible deterioration of the epidemiological situation in our country in the future.

When organizing the correction, the individual characteristics of children were taken into account. In addition to individual work with children, work was carried out with their social environment. The latter included psychoeducation, providing recommendations on strategies and methods for stabilizing the child's condition, involving parents in the process of performing corrective exercises in the psychologist's office.

After corrective work, a re-examination was conducted. The data obtained from its results indicate positive changes in the psychological state of children in all 4 subgroups. In addition to reducing the intensity of pathological manifestations characteristic of ADHD, in some children there was an increase in efficiency, motivation to perform tasks, critical thinking.

Conclusions. The results of the study allow us to talk about the effectiveness of an individualized approach to the correction of ADHD. This approach helps to minimize pathological manifestations and children, which, in turn, allows them to effectively master new activities.


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