Keywords: adaptation, characteristics of emotional reaction, emotional properties, coping strategies, mechanisms of psychological protection, stressful situations


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the interrelations of the adaptive and emotional properties, coping strategies, mechanisms of psychological protection of in-migrants in the process of emotional self-regulation of the individual.

Methods. The following methods have been used to study the components of emotional self-regulation of the personality: 1) the coping test by R. Lazarus adapted by T. L. Kriukova and co-authors; 2) the questionnaire by Plutchik-Kellerman-Conte – Life Style Index, LSI; 3) self-assessment test «Characteristics of emotionality» by Ye. P. Ilin; 4) Freiburg questionnaire; 5) the questionnaire of empathy by V. V. Boiko; 6) the technique of emotionally-energetic charges by V. V. Boiko; 7) the technique of «index of life satisfaction» adapted by N. V. Panina; 8) 16-factor personality questionnaire by R. B. Cattell; 9) to study the adaptive properties of the multifactorial personality questionnaire «Adaptability» by A. H. Maklakov adapted by S. V. Chermianin has been used.

Results. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the connections of the adaptive properties with personality emotional properties and coping-protective mechanisms in in-migrants have been revealed. The interrelation of the adaptive properties with the characteristics of emotional response and the stable emotional properties is determined. It is found that the adaptive capabilities of in-migrants are largely determined by their emotional properties, which in turn are closely related to coping-protective mechanisms. The interrelations of the adaptive properties with the coping-protective mechanisms of the personality are determined. It is proved that the success of the adaptation process in stressful situations is determined by a kind of repertoire of coping strategies and protective mechanisms of the personality.

Conclusions. The results of the experimental study have provided new data in understanding the work of emotional self-regulation of the personality, which is based on the emotional properties of the personality in connection with the coping-protective mechanisms and the adaptive personality traits.

It is proved that the effectiveness of the emotional self-regulation of in-migrants in imbalances in the system of the personality and social environment is determined by the flexibility of the system of the adaptive mechanisms.


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