Keywords: post-traumatic stress, trauma, mental trauma, emotional trauma, event, situation, state, posttraumatic growth


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to scientifically study and systematize the experience of working with traumatic events as a factor in the traumatic experience of the individual. Disclosure of the essence of the concept of “traumatic experience” to prevent its further devastating consequences for the individual.

Methods. The methodological basis of the article are scientific concepts of studying the syndrome of posttraumatic stress disorder, mental trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, mono trauma, poly trauma, multi trauma and models of overcoming post-traumatic growth of different countries in working with traumatic people. Features of psychological traumas in children and adults which have destructive influence on mentality and development of the victim are considered. Despite the similarity of the definitions of experiencing stress and trauma, the difference is highlighted, where stress becomes a psychological trauma, when the effect of the stressor is a violation of the mental sphere of man. Psycho-traumatic situations are described as the interaction of personality and environment (the leading role of subjective factors) and traumatic events (external factors). There are four types of response to traumatic events. The view of mental trauma as an internal state and psychological trauma as a deeply individual reaction is highlighted. The role of social factors in the formation of psychological trauma that threatens the physical integrity of man is emphasized, depending on this, the main reactions to stressful situations, their forms and manifestations are determined. Potentially traumatic situations in different living conditions are analyzed. The destructive influence on the personality of psychotraumatic factors of single and repeated traumatic events, the consequence of which is the development of negative mental states, is considered. Models of post-traumatic growth are described, which describe the subjective positive personality changes of an individual after traumatic, crisis and stressful events. Describes the areas in which positive personality changes can be made after mental trauma. Translated into Ukrainian and depicts the original model of post-traumatic personality growth. The processes of post-traumatic growth in the model are distinguished. The scientific novelty of the article is to generalize and systematize the results of research in working with manifestations of psychotrauma of a victim of psychotraumatic situations. Results. The result of the study is to reveal the essence of the concept of “traumatic experience”, to determine further important conditions for overcoming the traumatic experience of the individual.

Conclusions. The conclusions formulate the key factors of the impact of psycho-traumatic events on the individual, which create difficulties for the integration of the coordinated work of different personality structures and tasks for further empirical research.


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