Keywords: psyche, mental development, subjective and objective factors, age, crisis periods


Purpose of the article is the analysis of the conceptual positions of the representatives of psychologicalscience within the concept of “mental development” and definition of the periodization of mental development inthe views of domestic and foreign representatives. Research methods. Analysis and synthesis, systematizationof scientific sources, comparison and generalization.

Results. It is determined that mental development covers various fields of human existence, including suchas: psychophysiological, cognitive and psychosocial ones. It is characterized by features that are expressed inirreversibility, direction and regularity.

It is considered the S. Hall's theory of recapitulation, which is based on the biogenetic law in the article.Taking into account the contribution of S. Hall to the development of psychological knowledge, E. Hutchisonlays the extraction of food by man as a criterion in the basis of mental development. It is determined the roleof ethical and moral ideas in the views of L. Kohlberg and the connection with the periodization of humandevelopment.

It was taken into account the role of psychological orientations of a human in his life and their roleat each stage of mental development of the individual through the theory of psychosocial developmentof E. Erickson. It is determined the place of intelligence in human development and its connection withthe development of the human psyche in the views of J. Piaget. It is characterized the views of S. Khudoyanviews in the periodization of human development, where in his research he relied on the functional significanceof biological, social and psychological neoformations.

Conclusions. According to the results of theoretical analysis, it is established that a mental development isinfluenced by both external and internal factors, or biological and social. Periodization of its development wasdevised by scientists and theorists in accordance with the driving forces, which in their opinion were decisive.It was identified the areas according to which theories of periodization of mental development were devised:biogenetic, sociogenetic and mixed.


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