Keywords: self-presentation, adult and adolescence, social networks, self-image, self-presentation strategies, self-expression


The article is devoted to the actual problem of personality Self-presentation in social networks amongadults and adolescents.

Purpose of the article is an empirical study of self-presentation psychological features in social networksand highlighting the differences in the use of virtual self-presentation strategies between adults and adolescents.

Methods. To achieve this purpose theoretical methods were used: analysis, synthesis, classification,generalization and systematization; empirical methods: Scale for measuring tactics of Self-presentation TacticsScale (S. Lee, B. Quigley) and the author’s questionnaire Self-presentation in social networks; statisticalmethods: T-Student’s criterion and hierarchical cluster analysis.

Results. The study of self-presentation strategies in social networks involved two groups of subjects -adolescents (30 subjects aged 11–16 years) and adults (30 subjects aged 21–30 years) with different experiencesof using social networks.

There are three dominant motives that motivate respondents to use social networks: interest, friendsand the desire to show themselves. The leading motive for adolescents is communication with friends, and foradults the characteristic motive is interest and desire to show themselves. The differences between the strategiesof virtual Self-presentation in adults and adolescents are analyzed. There are statistically significant differencesin the following strategies: avoidance; attractive behavior; self-aggrandizement; self-humiliation and force.

Using hierarchical cluster analysis, groups of social networks users of adults and adolescents were singledout according to the parameter of using virtual Self-presentation tactics. Among adults, there are three usergroups: 1) ideals-users, who want to present themselves as leaders; 2) users, who partially want to livethe lives of others; 3) users, who want to assert themselves in the virtual world. There are also three groupsof adolescents who use social networks: 1) users, who want to be liked and get social approval; 2) users aimedat Self-affirmation and 3) users, who need support.

Conclusions. It was found that in the conditions of active informatization there are different motivesfor using social networks in adults and adolescents. Differences in the choice of self-presentation strategiesby adults and adolescents in social networks are identified and the types of users are selected according tothe choice of the dominant strategy of virtual self-presentation.


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