Keywords: handicap, disabled, spinal cord injury, disability


Objectives. The purpose of the article is to present to specialists in the field of psychology a modelof a personality disabled person’s personality, which has signs of ‘‘a handicap complex’’, that in the future,will allow a differentiated approach to the issue of prevention and correction of occurrence of this complex. Methods. The study design is a meta-analysis of publications with levels evidence and a level recommendation.An electronic search was conducted in the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, CrossRef, AOSpine, Eurospine, ResearchGate, eLIBRARY, and MEDLINE databases, and in references of key articles. Results. The number of disabled people in Ukraine is growing rapidly, which is becoming a significant social political problem of our time. The general fundamental problem to be solved by the vector of scientificresearch is to develop basic psychological foundations for the full and comprehensive rehabilitation of disabledpeople who, as a result of desocialization tendencies, acquire the status of social outsiders and require socialand psychological assistance.

The article is devoted to the psychological analysis of peculiarities of handicap complex manifestation inhumans with disabilities due to Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). The paper clarifies the concept of handicap as a socialphenomenon that is updated by the negative perceptions of disabled people and the category of «handicapcomplex» is revealed. Handicap is a symptom complex that is inherent in the disabled and manifests itselfin a feeling of inferiority. It is accompanied by the presence of negative emotional states, also is changes inthe structure of the “self-concept” of the individual, which arose as a result of feelings due to a disability. Analysisof the factors that make a disabled person feel inferior, strive for isolation and show signs of maladjustmentindicate that the handicap phenomenon is acquiring a separate scientific status, primarily is due to a destructiveeffect on the entire system of social and psychological life of people. It is the «handicap» presence that hindersthe progress of a social adaptation, a personal development in a society of disabled people to the greatestextent and destroys their mental health. It should be noted that the health problems of people with specialneeds in our country are specific due to the weak social protection of people in this category. Conclusion.This poses a number of problems for Ukrainian psychologists, the result of which solving will be to improvethe quality-of-life disabled people, to develop psychological and pedagogical programs for their development.The purpose of the article is to present to specialists in the field of psychology a model of a personality disabledperson’s personality, which has signs of ‘‘a handicap complex’’.


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