The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of the organization of reflection among the psychologists of general secondary education.
Methods. Analysis of average data and correlation between scales of 3 methods of reflection research: 1) D. Leontiev's test “Differential type of reflection”; 2) “Methods of diagnosing the level of reflexivity” Karpova-Ponomareva; 3) “Methods of studying the severity and direction of reflection” A.Grant.
Results. The study found that psychologists in general education have developed reflection at the secondary and above average levels. But the analysis of average data on the scales of methods showed that productive forms of reflection in school psychologists need further development. Systemic reflection as the most adaptive form of self-determination is manifested at an average level in 74% of subjects. That is, most professionals have an average level of development of the trait, rather than high, as required by the professional psychologist. 76% of the average data on the introspection scale indicates a fairly high tendency of experts to “dig”. The “quasi-reflection” scale showed that 58% of respondents focus their reflexive attention outside the current situation. The advantage of directing reflexive attention to communication and interaction, perspective and retrospective assessment, and not to actual activity is revealed. Autoreflection, as the ability to self-perception and analysis of the content of one's own psyche is developed at a high level, and socioreflection, as the ability to understand the psyche of others has an average level. Most scales of the techniques used are correlated.
Conclusions. The development of reflection in school psychologists is at the average level and requires psycho-correctional work to improve this professionally important quality.
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