The purpose of the paper is to present a theoretical analysis and results of empirical research related to emotional experience of young people and specify its role in development of motivational target system.
The research methods for studying this topic: “Academic motivation inventory”; “Differentiation of emotional experience” focused on diagnostics of the ability to distinguish and describe in detail own rueful feelings or another person’s emotions, “Readiness to use emotional experience”, methods statistical analysis.
The research results prove that majority of students have low level of self-motivation to study; when performing tasks, they are mostly focused on obtaining a grade. Based on the results of methods for studying emotional experience, the indices of intermediate level are predominant. Detailed elaboration of emotions is better shown among girls. According to figures from the statistical analysis, the indices of differentiation of emotional experience are closely correlated with readiness to use; there is a correlation with indices of selfmotivation to study. Thus, the mutual influence of motivational and emotional components of study has been observed.
The conclusions under the research results have been specified: the emotional experience of a personality, being a system of emotions and feelings experienced by a person in his/her life, has an impact on development of the motivational target system of personality. This thesis has been confirmed by correlation analysis of relationship between motivation and ability to differentiation of emotions and use of emotional experience. The aspects of progressive work are proposed to improve the degree of awareness of emotional experience, the ability to distinguish emotions and to make emotional behavioral regulation during the learning process. The prospects of further work can be seen in development and practical implementation of methods of developing emotional behavioral regulation and cognitive motivation.
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