Keywords: professional competence, civil servant, locus of control, risk appetite, professional motivation


Purpose. Make a theoretical analysis of modern scientific psychological and public administration sources and undertake an empirical study of professionally essential qualities of government officials.

Methods. The scientific article is based on empirical research, which was conducted in 2 stages. The sample consisted of 103 civil servants of B and C categories with different lengths of service (up to three and more years of public service).

At the first stage of the research, was developed an author’s questionnaire to determine the professionally important qualities of civil servants by their managers. In the second phase of the study, psychodiagnostic techniques were conducted: EPQ method G.Yu. Eisenko, T. Ehlers’ method “The desire for risk and motivation to achieve”; “Methods of research of localization of personality control” – modified questionnaire OG Xenofontova, “Emotional intelligence (N. Hall)” Correlation and variance analysis were used for statistical processing.

Results. According to the method of EPQ Eisenko’s indicators for civil servants who are emotionally stable in group 1 are higher by 30.2% compared to civil servants in the second group. High signs of motivation to achieve goals and success according to the method of T. Ehlers in the 1 group are also higher by 48.2% than in the second group. Among civil servants in group 1, the rate of internal respondents is higher by 44.8% compared to group 2, and the overall level of emotional intelligence of civil servants in group 1 is also higher by 37% compared to group 2.

Conclusions. Analysis of the results of the empirical study allowed us to conclude that the average values of all the studied parameters are higher in civil servants of group 1 compared to civil servants in the second group. Thus, thanks to the correlation and dispersive analysis, it was identified that the emotional resilience, establishment of professionally essential qualities, indicators of internality, and emotional intelligence differ significantly in civil servants with a high level of professional performance and work experience more than three years compared with group 2.


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