Keywords: MCA “Fracture”, bodily-self, personification, association, visualization, analogization, psychosomatic competence


In the article the question is about approbation of facilities of proceeding in a dialogue with bodily-self through visual-narrative approach and psycholinguistic analysis of psychotherapy process. Bodily-self is a component of self-conceptions, that is responsible for cognitive and emotional accompaniment of the bodily functioning, provides his effect of regulation that will be realized in the process of internal dialogue with bodilyself, by itself about a body. The algorithm of psychotherapy process opens up after the stages of personification, association, visualization, analogization (PAVA) on each of that is used the metaphoric cards of association.

The aim of the article is approbation of the program of bodily-self development and to the psychosomatic competence in the visual-narrative approach. Methodological basis of our research was psycholinguistic, visual-narrative, projective, psychosomatic, ideographical approaches. Among methods it was involved by us: analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization, associative experiment and methods of psychological diagnostics. On the stage of empiric research was used the metaphoric cards of association MCA “Fracture” ©Turkova D.M. and system of receptions of bodily-self development after the stages of methodology PAVA ©Khomulenko T.B.

The results of the research gave an opportunity to prove efficiency of psychotherapy process in the visualnarrative approach after the stages PAVA. Every chosen metaphoric cards of association forward as a visualnarrative stimulus and advantageously PAVA complemented the stages of methodology, added elements for more analysis. Such reception is especially effective on the first sessions with a client, when the optimal level of professional contact is not yet set and to the client more comfortably to co-operate mediated through metaphorical cards what to product visual characters only in imagination.

Conclusion: the conducted research demonstrates efficiency of combination of two methodologies: the use MCA “Fracture” and PAVA as a condition and source of diagnostic and psychocorrectional work on adjusting of bodily-self dialogue.


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