Keywords: personal resources, wives of combatants, family relations, emotional state, the influence of social environment


Purpose. This study was aimed at identifying difficult life situations of military actions participants’ wives. The experience of women actualizing different types of personal resources in order to overcome these situations was analyzed.

Methods. There were used such methods: the study of scientific literature, semi-structured interview, and the author’s questionnaire was used in this research. The sample consists of 50 soldiers’ wives aged from 21 to 52 years.

Results. The study revealed differences in life difficulties, which wives face during their husbands’ absence and after their return. The woman becomes the head of the family in the first stage when the husband is absent – the range of her responsibilities becomes considerably wider. She experiences physical and psychological stress, sometimes financial difficulties. The psychological state and life values of husband, who has returned from military actions, often do not match with the wife’s expectations. Almost a third of respondents indicated family discomfort, the tension in a relationship, and conflicts after the husband’s homecoming from the war zone. The study found that external social resource does not always play a constructive role. Women pointed out the ambiguity of the attitude from other people: support from relatives gives strength, however disappointment or hidden disapproval from others caused anxiety and sometimes aggression. Therefore, public attitudes towards armed conflict and the military play an important role in the renewing of combatants’ wives’ personal resources. Half of the respondents reported the need for psychological support. Among the issues, women have named following: the problem of a man’s adaptation to a peaceful (family) life and overcoming his aggression, specifics of communication with husband, search for individual resources required to restore emotional balance and continue personal growth.

Conclusions. The results indicate that wives of military actions participants’ seek and use personal resources often directly in the process of experiencing difficult life situations. Study results are important for the creation of psychoeducational women programs aimed at mastering skills of effective personal resources applying, learning means of self-help, and self-preservation.


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