Keywords: moratorium, reference group, diffusion, correlations, analysis of variance, pseudo-identity, youth personality development


The identity formation as a psychosocial identity allows the individual to realize himself in all the richness of his relations to the outside world and defines the system of values, ideals, life plans, social roles of the individual with appropriate forms of behavior.

The purpose is to determine the psychological features of the students’ formation identity.

Methods – observation, interviewing, conversation, testing: DO Leontief's "Meaningful Orientation Test"; methodology for studying personal identity Schneider.

Results. A significant part of the students were found to be in crisis stages of identity formation (moratorium identity). This confirms that the student age is a crisis period of human life. Much less of students showed a positive identity. Majority of young men are in a temporary status (preliminary, diffuse and pseudo-identity), which is also not achieved, a mature identity, which has clear meaning-life orientations, goals, motives, principles and attitudes.

Using the variance analysis, the relationship between the lifesense orientation methods of Leontiev and personal identity statuses identified using the Schneider technique was determined. Namely, a high level of significant difference between the previous and pseudosubjective identity statuses was revealed, and two criteria were found to have statistically significant differences between the previous identity identity status and the moratorium.

Conclusions. Significant differences in virtually all indicators of meaning-life orientations were found

between prior and pseudosensitive identity statuses. Therefore, in general, the higher the balanced, uniform and homogeneous assessment of the respondent of each of the presented criteria, the closer it is to positive identity.

Studying the phenomenon has given a deep understanding of the need for psychological assistance to young people who experience a crisis of personal identity. For better, faster and less traumatic course of the crisis, students should develop planning skills, self-reflection; learn to take responsibility for your decisions; receive a wide range of education.


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