• Olga Volodymyrivna Litvinova
Keywords: bulling, bullying structure, adolescence, tolerance, intolerance, aggressiveness, hostility


Purpose. The purpose of the article is theoretical and empirical study of psychological factors of teenage bullying, revealing the relationship between the positions of adolescents in the bullying structure and the levels of tolerance and aggression and hostility.

Methods. Standardized questionnaire tests were used to achieve the purpose of the study: to explore the position of adolescents in the bulling structure questionnaire “Bulling Structures” by O.G. Norkina; questionnaire “Tolerance Index” by G.U. Soldatova to identify the level of tolerance-intolerance of adolescents; test questionnaire “Level of aggression” A. Bassa – A. Darki to find out the teenagers’ hostility and aggression indices.

Results. It is proved that the majority of adolescents who occupy the positions of initiators and helpers in the structure of bulling, have a high level of aggression and low tolerance, are characterized by intolerance, cruelty, intolerance of others. Adolescents with a victim position are characterized by low levels of aggression and moderate levels of tolerance, and are characterized by isolation, seclusion, infantility, low self-esteem and self-criticism. At the level of statistical significance, the relationship between the role of respondents in the process of bullying and the level of aggression and tolerance is proved.

Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that modern adolescents are characterized by a tendency to be cruel, violent in the situation of interpersonal communication, low acceptance of others and increased levels of aggression and hostility. All this is the basis for a powerful work on psychological education about the phenomenon of bulling, its factors and consequences for the mental and physical health of the child.


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