• Olena Oleksandrivna Shcherbakova
Keywords: academic success, academically capable students, intelligence, creativity, motivation of learning


Purpose. The aim of the article is to identify peculiarities of structural components of giftedness in academically capable elementary school students.

Methods. Group intellectual test for assessment of mental development for children of 5–6 grades (9–12 years) (J. Wang, adapted by M.K. Akimova, O.M. Borisova, V.T. Kozlova and G.P. Loginova under the guidance of K. Gurevich), a test for assessment of verbal, nonverbal (spatial) and mathematical intelligence of Amthauer for students of 7–9th grades, non-verbal subtest of the E. Torrens method, adapted by author method of psychodiagnostics of academic self-regulation by E. Deci and R. Ryan.

Results. The intellectual performance of students in grades 5-6 as a whole, as well as the verbal, mathematical and spatial intelligence of students in grades 7–9, is significantly different depending on academic performance for the benefit of academically capable children. More pronounced differences are observed at the beginning of primary school, as well as in the indicators of spatial intelligence during the subsequent study. Academically capable students outperform academically less successful in terms of creativity, especially in terms of non-verbal originality. Higher indicators of internal and external motivation of learning are established in academically capable schoolchildren.

Conclusions. Intelligence plays a key role in the academic ability of students, positively affecting their academic performance. The role of non-verbal creativity as a component of giftedness in students’ academic ability is less clear, especially in the later stages of primary school. However, a high level of non-verbal creativity, especially in terms of originality, can be identified as a significant feature of academically capable students.

The positive role of motivation of learning in the academic success of students is shown, with not only intrinsic motivation as cognitive interest, but also external motivation as extrinsic motivation for educational achievement through the desire to meet the requirements of parents and parents.


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