• Svіtlana Sergііvna Mitrofanova
Keywords: psychologist, change of profession, communicative behavior, comparative analysis


Purpose. The following tasks were accomplished for the purpose of theoretical-empirical study of particularities of communicative abilities of future psychologists in the conditions of receiving a second university degree: reasons for changing profession were analyzed in the context of professional crises, and particularities of communicative abilities of future psychologists receiving a second university degree were empirically determined.

Methods. Communicative Abilities Assessment Test (L. Michelson, translated and adapted by Y.Z. Gihlbuch) was applied to two groups of psychology students receiving their degree on the basis of psychological and non-psychological education.

Results. Crisis periods affecting dynamic and qualitative indicators of developing professional consciousness and self-consciousness of future psychologists have been analyzed. Among the latter, the role of normative crises of professional development – crisis of professional expectations and crisis of professional growth – was shown. The factors, conditions and age-related aspects of changing profession in favor of the second university degree in psychology have been reviewed. The accumulated life experience, ability to make responsible decisions based on one’s own capabilities, and social activity in setting and achieving personally significant goals were named as the basic factors for the decision to change specialization and profession. Receiving a second university degree is the most productive way for a specialist to achieve the goal of changing another profession for the profession of psychologist. It was proved that the type of the first professional preparation has significant bearing upon the degree of communicative abilities of students receiving a second university degree in a different area of specialization.

Conclusions. A conclusion was made that the ability to react to a fair criticism, ability to react to an unfair criticism and ability to display empathy and support are mostly found in students receiving their psychologist’s degree on the basis of non-psychological education. It was empirically acknowledged that such abilities as the ability to give and receive signs of attention (compliments) from colleagues/clients, ability to establish contact with another person, rapport, and ability to ask colleagues for something are mostly found in students receiving their psychologist’s degree on the basis of psychological education. Competent communication – a certain exemplary behavior variant that corresponds to competent, confident, partnership style is dominant in all respondents from the first and second groups.


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