• Tetiana Oleksandrivna Kostina
Keywords: awareness, discrimination, gender, inequality, student youth, training


The purpose of the article is to identify opportunities to apply levels of awareness of life-script processes to young people in the context of working on gender issues (gender equality, prevention of gender discrimination).

Provide justification for the use of the proposed levels as a methodological basis for the development of gender training programs for young people.

Methods. Scientific research was based on methods of theoretical analysis of issues related to gender inequality and gender-based discrimination. The tried and tested scheme of levels of awareness of life-script manifestations by young people (gender aspect) was also applied. These levels were experimentally determined and tested during the scientific study of the author Results. The study identified that there is a legislative framework in Ukraine that regulates gender and promotes gender equality (starting with a basic law – the Constitution of Ukraine). It is emphasized that today there is still a discrepancy between what is reflected at the legislative level and what is happening in reality.

The theoretical analysis has identified the request of the psychological community for the tested models, schemes, etc., which should be the methodological basis for the development of training (training) in the context of gender issues. It is noted that awareness of life-script processes also includes a gender component.

Theoretical analysis has identified the adolescence as a sensitive period for rethinking stereotypes, including gender-based ones. The proposed levels of awareness of life-script processes by young people include four levels: 1) reactive; 2) situational-reflexive; 3) retro-reflective; 4) reflective.

Conclusions. The proposed scheme will allow coaches, psychologists and educators to take into account the level of awareness of gender-based life-script processes by young people, which will increase the effectiveness of the implementation of educational (training) lessons in preventing gender inequality and manifestations of gender discrimination.


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