• V.V Melnichenko
Keywords: management, management activity, determinants of managerial activity of the teacher, micro level, meso level, “external” determinants, “internal” determinants


The article deals with the actual question of the theory and practice of educational management – the prob- lem of determinants of teacher’s management activity. The determinants of the teacher's management activity are a system of factors that determine the effectiveness of the implementation of its managerial functions in the educational process.
“External” determinants of managerial activity of the teacher are connected with the professional and social peculiarities of the educational environment, and “internal” – with the personality characteristics and manage- rial competences of the teacher. The determinants of the micro level are in close connection with the peculiari- ties of the behavior and behavior of the teacher of the university, and the determinants of the meso level – with the peculiarities of the development of the educational institution.
On the basis of a functional approach to the teacher’s management, the “internal” determinants are speci- fied, which directly determine the success of the management activity of the teacher in higher education. They include the following: 1) governing abilities (intellectual, analytical, projective, predictive, constructive, communicative, perceptual, expressive, suggestive); 2) managerial abilities (from goal-setting, to self-management, to self-analysis, to moderation, to maneuvering resources, to ingenuity, ability to overcome communicative barriers, the ability to coordinate among themselves all stages of management); 3) personal qualities and properties: motivity, self-confidence, responsibility, initiative, activity, efficiency, flexibility, independence, inner locus of control, observation, demanding, democratic, positivism, latitude and critical thinking, rational- ity, emotional balance, stress tolerance, tolerance , creativity.


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