• Natalia Volodymyrivna Dmeterko
Keywords: deep psychological cognition, deep psychocorrection, psychological conditions, principle of additionality, principle of determinism, principle of development, principle of consistency


The article presents methodology of research of development of reflexive thinking psychologists-practitioner.

The category “reflexive thinking” is clarified and specific of reflexive thinking is characterized.

The purpose of the article is to reveal content, methods and principles of studying the development of reflexive thinking of a psychologist on basic of the psychodynamic approach.

The problem of methodological bases of study of reflexive thinking is considered taking into account basic provisions of the psychodynamic approach. The study of development of reflexive thinking was carried out in the process deep psychological cognition. The organization of deep psychological cognition is determined by the principle of additionality.

The deep psycho-correction is the main method of research of development of reflexive thinking.

Results. The article reveals the specific of deep psycho-correction in comparison with another kind of group psycho-correction. It is shown that essential characteristic of deep psycho-correction is the orientation towards the knowledge of the holistic psyche. Deep psycho-correction presents the organization of the creative activity of the subject of the search and discovery of truth. This truth is the “objective reality of the unconscious”.

Research methodology it shows supposes the study of changes of the reflexive thinking in due to the conditions that are created in the process of deep-psychological knowledge. It is underlined that when determining the conditions for the development of reflexive thinking, such phenomena as holistic psyche, psychological defenses, personal problem, cognitive distortions should be taken into account. The important condition for development of reflexive thinking is individual-personal changes, which are determined by the mechanisms of positive disintegration psyche and its secondary integration at a higher level of development.

The principles of organization of research of development of reflexive thinking such as the principle of additionality, the principle of determinism, the principle of consistency, the principle of development were analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to the principle of additionality that is implemented to recreate the holistic psyche and the characteristic of the specific methods of its knowledge. The psychological conditions and indicators of the development of reflexive thinking of psychologists during the passage of deep psychocorrection are revealed.

Conclusions. The research methodology assumes to study of the psychological conditions and mechanisms of development of reflexive thinking of psychologists by methods of deep psychocorrection. According to the principles, the development of reflexive thinking is considered in the unity external and internal determinants, which carried out on the basic of self-organization.


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