• Eduard Mykhailovych Balashov
Keywords: meta-knowledge, metacognitive monitoring, metacognitive control, metacognitive knowledge, educational activity


The author has analyzed the main theoretical approaches and empirical methods to understanding metacognitive monitoring of personality.

Purpose. The purpose of the article was to investigate its connection with student’s educational activity based on analysis of theoretical studies of domestic and foreign scientists.

Methods. The theoretical and comparative methods of studying metacognitive monitoring in learning activities have been used in the work.

The necessity in studying the aspects of metacognitive monitoring has been caused by its impact on students’ learning activities.

Results of critical analysis of scientific sources and works, has helped to determine lack of a unified approach to the definition of a concept of metacognitive monitoring and the structure of the processes of a personality’s metaknowledge during the learning process. Therefore, this dissonance has complicates the methodological studying of this personality phenomenon and prevents obtaining the objective results, since each scientists and approach understand metacognitive monitoring differently, distinguishing various components and factors, which determine the successful progress of this process.

In the result of general analysis of the theoretical scientific works, it has been determined that metacognitive monitoring is the ability to evaluate the current state of cognitive activeness, directed at monitoring whether the subject solves the problem correctly and establish level of subject’s understanding of the processed materials.

Conclusions. It has been researched that high indicators of metacognitive monitoring development, measured by various questionnaires, positively correlate with students’ academic achievements and success in execution of knowledge testing. Analysis confirmed that the participants of learning process demonstrating more accurate metacognitive monitoring in executing tests for control of knowledge, have higher points in this testing, and higher average marks in their learning success. Studying theoretical sources confirmed the necessity to further empirically research the aspects of the process of metacognitive monitoring in learning activities of students, and develop the author’s psychodiagnostic tools for it, which would certainly assist in evaluation of metacognitive monitoring of students based on their academic performance and learning activities of students.


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