• Daryna Vasylivna Filonenko
Keywords: motivational sphere, professional activity, adaptation, training, professional training of IT-specialists


Purpose. The objective of this research is to study the structural, content, methodological and organizational features of the formation of professional communication competence of an IT-specialist.

Methods. It is noted that the formation of the system of professional communicative competence of specialists in the field of information computer technologies is caused by a number of contradictions: between the growing role of foreign language in the professional activity of IT-specialists and the specifics of its study outside the context of their professional field; between the demand for professionally relevant English-language information, its competent retransmission in the professional field and the unwillingness of IT-specialists to carry out this type of activity; between the relevance of the formation of professional communicative competence of future specialists in the context of social needs and the lack of adequate communication training system.

Results. It is stated that communicative competence is an integral, relatively stable integrated mental formation and is manifested in individual psychological, personal peculiarities in behaviour and communication of a particular individual. This integral formation includes: socio-psychological, individual-psychological and psycho-physiological levels. The core of communicative competence of an IT-specialist is orientation, settings, values and outlook. It is substantiated that the formation of professional communicative competence of IT-specialists in the time prospect is influenced by individual psychological and socio-psychological factors, and they are conditioned by peculiarities of higher nervous activity, needs, interests, motivation, abilities, individual and psychological characteristics, as well as life conditions in social environment and social experience of an individual.

Conclusions. It is revealed that peculiarities of formation of professional communicative competence of IT-specialists in a time prospect are based on a complex model (procedural, structural and functional), which conceptual basis is formed by systemic, personal-activity and process approaches, instead, psychological and pedagogical conditions of effective implementation model are incorporation of theoretical and practical bases of accumulation of subjective experience of educational and professional activity, organization of support of professional training of IT-specialists in the organization of professional training into the learning content.


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