• Elena Nikolaevna Tanasiichuk
  • Lyubov Pavlovna Chygrynskaya
Keywords: professional burnout, stress, intension, resistance, disorientation


This theme becomes special significance and relevance in the context of medical’s reform. Medical specialists want to work with a syndrome of “emotional burnout”, it is the important factor in our research. This need are formed not only for specialists with a copious work experience and but also for those who work a little more than ability to work, motivational professional trends, causing stagnation and professional destruction.

The purpose. Authors were researching the subjective assessment of the emotional state of the nurses and compare their imageries with objective indicators. The following methods were used: the author’s questionnaire “Professional activity is my vocation” and the method “Diagnosis of emotional burnout” by V. Boyko. The choice was associated with time and resource constraints and fully realized the purpose of the researching. The inquisition was carried out in accordance with the principles of voluntariness, awareness of respondents and confidentiality.

Results. It was found that the formation of the syndrome of “emotional burnout” began very early on the professional path, which based on emotional inclusion in patients’ problems, socio-economic insecurity and legal unregulated labor standards. It has been established that the expressed negative factor was inadequate and demanding patients, significant stress at work, low payroll.

Conclusions. Based on the results of a psychodiagnostic study, it was found that nurses could not fully understand their emotional state, did not understand that they felt and could not control their emotions; the syndrome of “emotional burnout” began to form on the start of the professional way; the status of the medical’s reform of the hospital indirectly was affected the emotional posture of workers. On the basis of the psychodiagnostic results a system of psychological support for the medical nurses of the hospital would be built.


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