• Victor Ivanovich Mozgovyi
Keywords: candidate for junior officer, sociotype, identification, military service, extraversion, introversion


The article deals with the study of psychological characteristics of the personality of candidates for the post of junior officer of the State Special Transport Service, who already had experience in military service.

The purpose of the article is to identify the main sociotypes among candidates for the first officer rank, their personal characteristics, as well as what personal qualities of a person can positively affect his further identification with military service.

The research methods that were used to study the personality of candidates for officer positions were as follows: a methodology for assessing communicative and organizational inclinations, a Keirsi method for determining the sociotype of a person, and a specially developed questionnaire for us to identify a positive identification of a candidate’s personality with the image of the defender of the Fatherland and its inherent personality traits.

The result of the study of 27 people who received special training to obtain an officer post and had experience in performing tasks in the war zone revealed six sociotypes. Three of them: ESTJ, ESFJ and ISFJ accounted for 80% of the subjects.

At the same time, only two sociotypes (ESTJ, ESFJ) revealed a high level of communicative and organizational inclinations. They include such personal characteristics: extraversion, a tendency to rely on real information, to give preference to planning.

The conclusions that can be drawn based on the analysis of the data we obtained are as follows. The most suitable requirements for officer positions are ESTJ ESFJ sociotypes, which are characterized by a high level of communicative and organizational inclinations, as well as positive identification with military service through a real example from their family or from military service. The personal qualities of a person that can positively affect the candidate’s personality and his identification with subsequent military service are, first of all, moral qualities (justice, honesty, decency, indifference) intellectual (reason) and professional (responsibility).


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