• A.V. Vertel
  • Т.О. Motruk
Keywords: collective unconscious, archetype, consciousness, self


The article discusses the understanding and interpretation of the problem of consciousness in C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology and anthropology. C. G. Jung notes that the structure and physiology of the brain do not explain the mental process at all. The scientist identified ectopsychic and endopsychic orientation functions of consciousness. The system of orientation that is associated with external factors received through the senses (sensations, thinking, feelings, intuition) refers to ectopsychic functions, to endopsychic ones – the system of connections between the contents of consciousness and processes in the unconscious.
The endopsychic sphere includes memory, subjective components of conscious functions, affects, inva- sions. The center of consciousness, according to C.G. Jung, is Ego. He understands Ego as the center of per- sonal consciousness, which collects the fragmented information of personal experience into the single whole, forming from them a coherent and conscious perception of one's personality.
Patterns filling the collective unconscious, C. G. Jung called archetypes. In C. G. Jung’s system, the arche- type of the Self is an integrity that covers the consciousness and the unconscious, and the process of moving towards it C. G. Jung called individuation. The notion of the Self is correlated with the «Image of God».
Archetypes are connected to each other, and their phase sequence determines the development of con- sciousness. Personal consciousness during ontogenesis must pass through the same archetypal stages, which determine the development of consciousness of all mankind as a whole. The development of consciousness through archetypal stages is a series of transpersonal acts, the dynamic self-development of mental structure, which dominates the history of mankind and the individual. Archetypal stages are caused by the unconscious and only considering the collective stratification of the development of the conscious, one can come to an un- derstanding of the mental development in general and individual in particular.


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