• О.М. Chuуko
Keywords: gender-role conflict, gender role, gender identity, career


The paper contributes to recent efforts to explore peculiarities of male and female gender-role conflict manifestation. We study gender-role conflict from the perspective of socially constructed gender role norms. We analyze the following male gender role norms: success and status, career development, breadwinning and financial security, physical, mental and emotional toughness, antifemininity, aggressive behavior. We also study the concept of hegemonic masculinity as male role norm. The research findings suggest that failure to conform to conventional male norms results in a gender-role conflict accompanied by stress disorder, negative health effects, and work addiction.
For the purpose of this research, we classify female gender-role conflicts in career pursuit into 3 groups: gender inequality on the labor market which has adverse effect on career achievement; gender identity con- flict; family-to-work conflict which is of particular relevance to women rather than men, with special focus on family-to-work conflict in women.
Our research reveals an adverse impact of gender-role conflict on male and female career achievements. Challenges are associated with difficulties in adhering to conventional gender roles in career; with neglect of individual psychological peculiarities in career orientation, which are far from being consistent with socially constructed gender expectations and stereotypes; with instances of work addiction; with the necessity for taking on a large number of gender roles in career and family; with remorse for being unable to pay attention to family or career. We find that individuals inclined to abide by conventional gender norms encounter difficulties most often (this is especially true of men). Gender conflict is most often due to the relevance of traditional gender norms. In modern conditions such standards require revision, flexibility, and orientation towards egalitarianism.


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