• O.V Strilchuk
Keywords: personal media culture, adolescents, socio-psychological mechanisms of media-culture forming, internet capturing, reflexivity


The article is devoted to the description of the procedure and the content of media culture forming program for the adolescences that are captured by the Internet. There are represented the main approaches to the prob- lem of the media education in Ukraine. The course of research and the actuality of the chosen methods are also grounded here. The novelty of the research is based on the expansion the methods of the diagnostic and the development of the personal media culture level among the adolescences that are captured by the Internet. The proposed method was directed on the definition and the research not only the level of the critical thinking but on the other socio-psychological mechanisms which participate in the process of the media culture forming. We singled such mechanisms as qualitative perception of information, the mechanisms of social interaction, the mechanisms of identity formation and the mechanisms of social experience assimilation. The empirical research allowed us to get a model of the following types of the Network interaction like passive use, active use, passive creation and the active creation with the special mechanisms which are appropriate to the each type. The measurement of the media culture level among the adolescences captured by the Internet showed the high level of their self-realization in the Network along with what they used to percept and to post the information without any reflection. The program which was proposed in the research was directed on the development of the critical and reflective thinking which will help to recognize the mechanisms which have the negative influence on the adolescences’ behavior in the Wed. It was also important to show the changes in the process of social experience assimilation which was brought with the digital world. Special attention was paid to the problem of the regulation of the own internet activity as a necessary ability for the adolescents who are captured by the Internet.
The final poll of the participants of the program showed its effectivity. It was noted the higher level of cognitive ability among the adolescences to identify the mechanisms of the media culture forming and to the transform their negative action.


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