• A.V Skliaruk
Keywords: problem family, family communication space, socializing influence of the family


The family has not only an extremely great influence on the development and formation of the child, on the one hand, as a person and author of his life, and on the other – as a social being, as a subject of social life, but also all the necessary, formed in historical time resources and tools for implementing this impact.
From the family, the actualization and development of the children’s inherited properties and qualities (bi- ologization) depend on the family, as well as the inoculation of those features and qualities that are relevant to the child at a certain stage of her maturation and which is expected from her by her close and distant social environment. On the one hand, the family can fully develop the positive hereditary qualities of the individual in a fully-fledged manner, while the negative ones can be slowed down; on the other hand, everything can be the other way around: when overwhelmed in a hypertrophied form, all that is unacceptable for life among people and adaptation in social the realities of society.
The article analyzes the prevailing configurations of relations in a problem family, the organization of contacts between its members, the presence or absence of coalitions between them, the degree of openness or closeness of the family system. The peculiarities of the communicative space of a problem family, characterized by the mediation of relations with a certain problem, by a third person, are considered. It is noted that in such families the child is either forced to adapt, or displays a disorderly behavior, protest, “emotionally goes out” from the family, seeking support beyond his borders.
Features of the functioning of the family system, internal and external interactions are the most important factor in the socialization of the child in a problem family. This is explained by the concept of the configuration of the interaction. The configuration is defined as a symbolic type of interaction type, transmitted from interindividual space into an intraindividual reality.


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