The article analyzes the transformation of the meaningful orientations and values of student youth in the multicultural environment of the higher educational institution. It is shown that in a multicultural environment of a higher educational institution students are more oriented to the future than to the present (process) and the result of life (the past). The level of evaluation of the control locus indicates that, given the sufficiently large conviction of students about the opportunities that exist in life, they are not sure of their own power to control the events of their own lives and do not always take responsibility for them. The general meaning of life has the highest correlation with the effectiveness of life and the locus of control – life. Locus of control – I am also most closely associated with the overall meaningfulness of life and the goals of life. It is shown that in the multicultural environment of the higher educational institution, the value types of kindness, universalism and independence acquire greater significance for young people. Higher place in the hierarchy is occupied by the values-ideals of love and knowledge of the new, the indicators of all scales of meaningful orientations increase. Relatively high independence of young people can be viewed as a consequence of the need for greater self-regulation of behavior in conditions of changing the traditional way of life. In addition, the importance of value types increases: conformity, kindness and universalism, as well as communication. It is established that in the multicultural educational environment of the university, the values of young people acquire a more pro-social character.
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