The article analyzes the current state of readiness of future specialists of the social sphere for professional self-determination. It is established that readiness for professional self-determination is an integrative quality of the personality of the future specialist in the social sphere, which unites professional knowledge, skills, skills and personal qualities aimed at the competent performance of professional activities in the socionic field and the constant striving for professional self-determination. The components of readiness for professional self-determination of future specialists in the social sphere are singled out: value-motivational, cognitive-evaluative, activity-reflective, personality-affective. The value-motivational component determines the attitude of the future specialists of the social sphere to professional self-determination, the desire for career growth, self-improvement of skills, skills and personal qualities. The cognitive-evaluative component includes a system of psychological knowledge of general professional and special training, involves the identification of professional theoretical and practical knowledge on the problems of professional self-determination; the development of professional knowledge, the formation and expansion of the professional horizon, the development and consolidation of professionally significant skills. The activity-reflexive component includes the presence in future specialists of the social sphere of a complex of skills necessary for professional activity, which they can later improve, as well as knowledge of methods and technologies of self-development. The personality-affective component of readiness allows future specialists in the social sphere to consciously approach the future professional activity, understand and choose for themselves the most areas of work, promotes effective activity and further successful professional and personal self-realization.
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