The article presents the results of a forming experiment aimed at establishing relationships inside young families. According to statistics data, today from 52% to 62% of divorces occur in young couples. That is why these families need psychological help.
The experiment, which took place in three stages, is described further. At the first stage, young families underwent psychodiagnostic examination to determine the tactics of their behavior in the conflict and the specifics of the manifestation of aggression. At the second stage, families were offered corrective and developmental work on family relationships in the form of tactics of “psychological mediation”. At the third stage, a final psychodiagnostic survey was conducted among families to determine the level of effectiveness of the conflict management (tactics of “psychological mediation”) on the relationship in young families.
The results of the analysis of behavior in conflicts show that as a result of psychological mediation women’s indicators of tactics of compromise have increased and the indicators of tactics of avoidance have decreased. Among the men, the results of the experiment showed a decrease in the indicators of competition tactics.
The results the manifestation of aggression study among women before and after psychological mediation showed a decrease in irritability and verbal aggression. Men also showed lower signs of irritability and verbal aggression.
During the experiment it was concluded that “conflict management” positively affects the style of behavior in resolving family conflicts.
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