The article analyzes the scientific approaches to the definition of strategies for the social behavior of the individual as a stable set of actions that prevails in her for solving various tasks of life. It is shown that the behavior strategy is formed in the process of vital activity under the influence of social development conditions and depends on the personal characteristics of a person. It is determined that the strategy of behavior as a whole is the result of conscious choice by the individual of certain actions and is mediated by personal characteristics (value orientations, personal experience, attitudes and expectations, and is primarily aimed at adapting the individual to changing conditions of activity). The strategy of personality behavior consists of three cycles: assessment and understanding of the conditions; The formation of a hypothesis and a preliminary decision (forecasting the result) to achieve confirmation or non-confirmation of the correctness of the idea. In the system-technical concept, the strategy of analogy is singled out as the dominant direction in solving a specific problem; Combining strategies; Reconstructive strategies; Universal strategies; Strategies of random substitutions that affect the person’s anticipatory abilities.
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