• O.D. Lytvynenko
  • O.A. Chyzhevych
Keywords: sexual violence, victim, image of victim, social representations, gender differences


The article deals with the state of research of the problem of representations about victims of sexual violence. The problem of violence has always been a part of the existence of human society and is one of the most global in our time. The persistence of sexual violence as a social phenomenon primarily depends on the stereotypes of social consciousness that relate to human rights, the system of social roles (gender stereotypes), and responsibility for the violence.
The attitude towards victims of sexual violence is primarily based on the image of the victim of sexual violence, the perception of them, their role in the commission of the crime and the responsibility for it. The gender stereotypes and their social functions are analyzed. It is noted that gender stereotypes are firmly entrenched in society and play an important role in the spread of sexual violence, especially women.
Also, an analysis of the results of an empirical study on gender differences in the image of the victim of sexual violence was carried out. The gender differences in the image of the victim in modern youth have been identified: who acts as a victim, which factors increase the risk of becoming a victim of sexual violence, the role of the victim in the commission of the crime, the consequences of violence for the victim.
The social representations of women about the image of victims of sexual violence are more detailed than men. The difference between representations can be explained by a kind of deidentification. A comparative analysis of gender-based research findings revealed that most guys believe that women and children are the most likely victims of sexual abuse. The group of girls is dominated by the idea that any person can become a victim. Representatives of the male article are more inclined to attribute to the victim the blame for the violence committed against it (taking into account the elements of provocative behavior) than women's representatives. According to the guys, the main consequence of sexual violence is the fear of men. Girls believe that the main changes in the lives of victims relate to the difficulties of the relationship with the social environment.


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