• M.S. Omelchenko
Keywords: correctional teacher, professional consciousness, professional formation, professionalism


The dynamic and contradictory educational realities of today have substantially changed the requirements for a teacher as a professional. Due to the theory and practice of pedagogical activity of the correctional teacher the problem of predicting the success of the activity in the new conditions is acutely presented, and for psy- chological science – the identification and study of psychological factors that determine the effectiveness of the professional activity and the peculiarities of the functioning of the individual in the changing environment.

Problems of raising the level of pedagogical professionalism are actively being developed in the mod- ern  psychological science of Ukraine and abroad (K. Babak, V. Zhelanova, O. Kravtsev, E. Lopanova, N. Yu. Maliy, etc.). Problems of professional development of correctional teachers in their research concerned O. Gonjeev, S. Mironova, V. Sinyov, O. Khokhlin and others.

An indicative period for identifying the dynamics and quality of the components of the professional con- sciousness of the correctional teacher is the adaptation stage of his professional activity. The main content of the period of professional adaptation of the correctional teacher is the adaptation of the subject to the real conditions of professional activity.

The leading psychological factors that determine the specifics of the adaptation period are the state of men- tal stress and stress, which is a natural consequence of the inconsistency of the teacher’s capabilities and real professional requirements.

In the context of the formation of the professional consciousness of the correctional teacher, the process of professional goal-formation is particularly interesting, which provides the activity of meaning and directs it.

Mental tension in the process of professionalization of correctional teacher occurs, as a rule, when pro- fessional abilities do not meet professional requirements or when the subject of professional activity has not completely passed the period of adaptation.

At the present stage, the unexplored question remains that meaningful changes take place in the components 
of the professional consciousness of the correctional teacher in a state of mental stress. It is logical to assume that regardless of what led to failure in the implementation of the planned professional activity, in the state of mental stress, the components of the professional consciousness of the correctional teacher will change on the basis of emotional regulation and will be directed from achieving a professional motive-goal to achieve personal motives.


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