• I.S. Lytvynenko
  • A.S. Venher
Keywords: professional training, future psychologists, educational process, professional ethics, humanism, penitentiary system, criminal correctional facilities, convicts, suicide, resocialization, competence, competency


The article considers the exceptional importance of the high-quality professional training of humanistically-oriented competent psychologists for the penitentiary system, in particular to work with convicts.
A number of disadvantages in the educational process of psychology students who have decided to work in the penitentiary system in the future is considered; the significance of their elimination in order to improve the quality of professional training and development of a successful, competent professional is explained. Practical ways to optimize the training of psychology students, cooperation with employers, psychologists in penitentiary institutions are presented. The concepts “competence”, “competency” are considered in the article. The article analyzes and summarizes the views of scientists on the work of a practicing psychologist in penitentiary institutions. The article analyzes the main requirements for a modern graduate of the psychology department. The necessity of mastering certain disciplines, such as professional deontology, individual counseling, age psychology, bases of pathopsychology, psychodiagnosis of mental disorders, is shown. An indicative set of techniques for stress reduction and improvement of emotional condition is presented. The influence of personal qualities on the chosen profession in the penitentiary area is determined. The theoretical aspects of the use of concepts “professional training”, “resocialization” are considered. The importance of professional training of psychologists to work in the penitentiary system is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the issues of the professional competence of a future specialist.
Our future research should be aimed at a seamless combination of classroom studies and out-of-class activities, since the last ones are an additional powerful resource in the training of future psychologists to work in correctional facilities. The next steps in the training of future psychologists for the penitentiary system are training sessions, familiarization with the experience of employees of this system, considering the new policy of modern Ukraine.


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